The Go Language

Getting Started

First, download go for your machine, or using a package manager. There's installation instructions if you want to do any additional configuration.

You can actually check out the official tour of Go, which you can run locally.

go get

Your First Program

A heads up, oddly enough, the type comes after the variable name article on Go's declaration syntax


Creating a string representation of an interface:

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p Person) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("The person named %v is %v years old", p.Name, p.Age)


Programs in go are made up of multiple packages, and will run starting from the code defined in the main package.

You can install go code that you've written using the install subcommand.

For convenience, go commands accept paths relative to the working directory, and default to the package in the current working directory if no other path is given. So in our working directory, the following commands are all equivalent:

# Option 1
go install

# Option 2
go install .

# Option 3
go install

There's an interesting article about callback functions using defer

Vim Plugin

If you want to edit your Go projects in Vim, there's a very healthy ecosystem to support you.

" Install the libraries needed for `vim-go`
" Getting help
:help vim-go

I've included some useful commands below:

" Run the code in the current buffer

" Compile the code

" Install the coe

" Test the code

" Test a single function

" See dependencies of the current package

" See all source files in cwd

" Rename an identifier

" Format the document according to the go style guide

" Resolve all needed package imports & remove all unused packages

" Import the package `math` #study #rise&grind
:GoImport math

" Drop the package `math` #jk2cool4school
:GoDrop math

" Pull up documentation for the function `Printf` package `fmt`
:GoDoc fmt Printf

Have a slice

Slices are a bit tricky, but Rob Pike explains it well in his blog post:

Also, felt this was worth writing down for my own safe-keeping:

It is idiomatic to use a pointer receiver for a method that modifies a slice.

--Rob Pike



Arrays are used less often than slices, but sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you'd like to create a fixed size array, using the values contained within a slice. Here is the idiomatic way for you to do precisely that:

var fixed [3]int

sliced := []int{1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13}

copy(fixed[:], sliced)

This syntax takes advantage of the faxt that copy will only copy the minimum of len(src) and len(dst) bytes.


If you need to read a file in line by line, the most idiomatic way to do so is by using bufio.Scanner

file := os.Open("file.txt")
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
var txtlines []string

for scanner.Scan() {
    txtlines = append(txtlines, scanner.Text())


for _, eachline := range txtlines {

JSON Marshalling

Make an HTTP request, receive JSON in the body of the response, and unmarshall that JSON into a Go struct named result:

response, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
defer func(Body io.ReadCloser) {
    err = Body.Close()
    if err != nil {

data, err := io.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
err = json.Unmarshal(data, result)


Below are some notes I took while reading "The Go Programming Language"

The letters of acronyms and initialisms like ASCII and HTML are always rendered in the same case, so you might want to call a function htmlEscape, HTMLEscape, or escapeHTML, but should avoid calling it escapeHtml.

A declaration names a program entity and specifies some or all of its properties. In Go, the four main types of declarations are var, const, type, and func, but every .go file begins with a package declaration, followed by import declarations, and finally, zero-or-more package-level declarations.

In Go, there is no such thing as an unitialized variable. If a value is not provided for a variable at its declaration, the variable will have its value initialized to the zero-value corresponding to that variable's underlying type.

The := operator performs short variable declaration. Unlike the = operator, which performs assignment, the := operator performs declaration, which is distinct from assignment.

The zero value for a pointer of any type is nil. If there is a variable p, which is a pointer type variable, the test p != nil is true if p points to a variable. Two pointers are equal if and only if they point to the same variable, or are both equal to nil.

The expression new(T) creates an unnamed variable of type T, initializes it to the zero-value of type T, and returns its address, which is a value of type *T.