Getting started
Wolfram Language
If you are new to the Wolfram Language, or even if you aren't, honestly, you should check out Prof. Richard Gaylord's three lecture series on titled Wolfram Language Fundamentals. Trust me, it's worth it.
First, you'll need to install Wolfram's suite of tools to your machine. You will need to install the following applications:
- WolframScript
- Wolfram Engine
- Wolfram Desktop
After you have completed this step, search within the application's package contents,
and look for an executable file titled
Add the directory containing this file to your shell's search path, preferrably
doing so in your shell's runtime configuration file.
After you have authenticated to the server, you will need to provide wolframscript
the path to the kernel file. It is located within your Wolfram Engine installation.
wolframscript -config WOLFRAMSCRIPT_KERNELPATH=/Applications/Wolfram\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/WolframKernel
Alternatively, you can set the kernel path as an environment variable
export WOLFRAMSCRIPT_KERNELPATH=/Applications/Wolfram\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/WolframKernel
I recommend you place your configuration files somewhere more standard, similar to what I have below:
Next, in order for wolframscript
to generate our credentials at the authorization
path provided above, we will need to authenticate ourselves to the cloud server.
wolframscript -authenticate
From here, you're good to go!
wolframscript -l -c '1+1'
The expected output of this command is:
At long last, we have found the answer.
Getting Help
Get information on a given Wolfram Language Symbol:
Entity["WolframLanguageSymbol", "LinearSolve"]
Det[{{1, 2, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1}}]
Cross Product
Cross[{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}]
Matrix Product
{{1, 2}, {3, 4}} . {{-1, 1}, {0, 2}}
Row Reduction
Get the matrix in reduced row echelon form:
RowReduce[{{1, -3, 3, -4}, {2, 3, -1, 15}, {4, -3, -1, 19}}]
Matrix Rank
Get the rank of a matrix
MatrixRank[{{1, 2, 1}, {-2, -3, 1}, {3, 5, 0}}]
Eigenvalues[{{3, -1}, {0, 2}}]
Eigenvectors[{{-2, 5, 7}, {3, 11, 15}, {-4, -3, 10}}]
Jordan Decomposition
JordanDecomposition[{{-1, 5}, {-3, 11}}]
- The kernel of a matrix is just its null space
Null Space
NullSpace[{{1, 3, 3}, {-3, -5, -3}, {3, 3, 0}}]
Positive Definite
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[{{3, -3}, {-3, 5}}]
Normal distribution of
NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]]
Probability Distribution
First example
PDF[NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]], x]
Second example
Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[2, 3], x], {x, -5, 10}]
Wolfram Client Library for Python
If you'd like to stay in Python, and have the features of Wolfram Engine, you can install the Wolfram Client Library for Python
pip install wolframclient
from wolframclient.evaluation import WolframLanguageSession
from wolframclient.language import wl, wlexpr
sesh.evaluate(wl.WolframAlpha("temperature in los angeles", "Result"))
# Quantity[55.0, 'DegreesFahrenheit']
sesh.evaluate(wl.WolframAlpha("stock price of GME", "Result"))
# (DateObject[(2021, 4, 1), 'Day', 'Gregorian', -7.0], Quantity[191.4499969482422, 'USDollars'])
sesh.evaluate(wl.WolframAlpha("value of chinese yuan in dollars", "Result"))
# Quantity[0.15, 'USDollars']